What Is Spiritual Meditation?

Girl Meditating at Night under the Stars

In my younger days my friends were all asking me to try vipassana, come to transcendental with us and to tell you the truth, I didn’t want to still anything, I was loving the frenetic energy and chaos of my life, plus I thought some of the yogis were a bit dodgy, until I heard about spiritual meditation.

What Is Spiritual Meditation? It is a way to help you connect you to your higher self, your spirit guides and the source energy of the universe. Within this deep connection to the divine, you begin to develop clarity and stillness of the mind. Through this state a deeper understanding, life starts to reveal its self and guides you on a path to enlightenment.

“I don’t believe in religion” I hear being whispered among the pragmatists. While the linguist in me feels like tossing a dictionary in their direction, the philosopher respectfully explains that you don’t need religion to connect to the spirit self, once you become truly connected, you realize the life you have been living is an illusion.

What Is Spiritual Meditation

Spiritual meditation is a process or a practice of focus by which you by pass all the material, the experiential and physical aspects of your self to find a deeper connection to that which is simultaneously beyond and within the deepest stratum of your source.  Spiritual meditation is that journey to stillness and freedom from which you establish a connection to the source, and a path to deep understanding.  With true authenticity of being and integrity, spiritual meditation, unlike religion is a journey inward, to truth, a journey inward to your reality, to being.  It doesn’t subscribe to scriptures for nothing external matters and true spiritual connection isn’t bound by word or a collective belief.  Once something is defined and limited by language, intellectualized it is no longer essence and no longer exists at a spiritual level

This connection occurs when you are truly in the present and are able to open your mind to new possibilities, to the new understanding that you are part of something much bigger than yourself, and that it is spiritual energy which connects each of us to purity.  Some people may call this God, others destiny or fate or even the Christ self.  There is no one word to define your spiritual connection so whatever resonates with you, whatever isn’t bound by expectation or by past experience is ok.

Spiritual meditation aims at finding a connection to the higher self or the divine by shedding  the ego and all ego defenses and following a subjective path to your inner self, your own internal sanctuary,unfettered by opinion and immune to self-doubt.  From this and from there you are guided to be in a realm free from constraints, pre-conceptions, judgement to a space of harmony.  Within that space of peace, you find a true sense of self and an acceptance of being without fear and without conditions.  It is in this space that you find authenticity of being, where you behavior and actions are in alignment with your beliefs and values and where you can truly discover where your nourishment lies. Mental anguish is eliminated and compassion for the self as existing in this transient life permits compassion for all of life’s creatures.

“Meditation brings wisdom; lack of meditation leaves ignorance. Know well what leads you forward and what holds you back, and choose the path that leads to wisdom.”

Tips for Beginning Spiritual Meditation

You need to find yourself a quiet space without distractions and sit or lay down, whatever is most comfortable and where you won’t be tempted to fidget or be distracted by phone calls.  The next step takes some practice and requires mindfulness skills.  Close your eyes and take a long breath and focus your attention on where you are, the sounds you can here, the surfaces your body is touching, the temperature on your skin and how your body feels, the sensations within.  Scan your body for tensions or energies and then begin to focus on your breathing, penetrating breaths that fill your lungs with life’s force and release all negativity as you exhale.  Don’t try and change your breathing, just observe it.  If thoughts come to mind, allow them in and let them flow out without holding or judging them.  Some people like to repeat a mantra or a unifying phrase such as “this is my aliveness” “I am at one with my spirit” any phrase that gives you peace and presence.  It may be “show me the truth of who I really am”.  There are many variations you can draw on, be it a verbal mantra, a vision of healing light flowing through your body, a forgiveness meditation.  As you practice the ability to be in the present, you can then vary your style as your conscious will guide.

Benefits of Spiritual Meditation

The benefits of spiritual meditation are immense including overall regeneration of the body at a cellular level, thereby enhancing physical health as well and psychological healing, releasing past traumas, deep connection and emotional freedom.  By relaxing the central nervous system and turning off the auto-arousal system you begin to eliminate the toxic hormones released in abundance during a stress state thereby improving your immune system, unfreezing the system shutdowns that occur when you are in fight/flight mode and allowing the body’s digestive system and circadian rhythm to function optimally.

Neurologically, spiritual meditation can offset the thinning of the cortex caused by depression, improves blood flow to areas responsible for learning and memory and synchronize brainwaves to help regulation, reducing reactive responses and achieving homeostasis at a quicker rate.   When you are more in control of your automatic responses and therefore your feelings, perceptions become more centered and positive and you can begin to enhance and express more positive personality traits that were oppressed by fear, and negative self talk.  Our feelings and reactions to life are guided by our perceptions and interpretations, when we are connected to our true self and are in the present, our interpretations resonate from love rather than fear.

When you are able to realize the potentials of the self and you synchronize with a concept much larger than yourself, your clarity of thought becomes astute, you begin to trust in your intuition and your daily activities come from pure forms of energy.  There is no other freedom like it.

How is Non Spiritual Meditation different from Spiritual Meditation

Meditation is a process or psychological method of reaching a state of relaxation and clarity of mind. There are many different methods you can use to arrive at this state of relaxation where your emotions are calmed, your body is balanced and you experience a relief from stress.  Non spiritual meditation has a more therapeutic focus and interoperates shifts as releases of blocked energies.  Spiritual Meditation is one of those processes that enable you to reach that state of relaxation and clarity, however it’s purpose is to find the stillness and peace through a deep inner connection to the divine or to God.

Often with Spiritual Meditation a prayer or request to connect to your god is repeated to help you focus and to open yourself up to the experience, it doesn’t need to be belief based.  Non Spiritual Meditation is different from Spiritual Meditation perceptually.  Most if not all people who meditate experience a spiritual shift, however only those open to spirituality would describe the experience as such. While peace and tranquillity and stillness can be explained, spirituality cannot, it must be experienced.

How do Spiritual Healing Meditations work?

When you experience trauma, stress or sadness, the body releases corticoids to prepare you for endurance and protection and these have an ongoing toxic effect on your whole system.  Spiritual healing meditations work by re-balancing the body’s energy, by regulating your heart rate and releasing the way body holds negativity. Systolic blood pressure, cholesterol, asthma and migraine have all been effectively treated with spiritual healing meditation.  Whether the trauma has been physical or emotional, energy can stagnate at the point of injury and these blockages cause disease.  Improving energy flow releases these blockages and therefore dispels disease.

As you practice, and you begin to connect to your spirituality, you alter the messages you send to your brain and hence alter your biology, after all it’s your perceptions that send messages to your central nervous system.  When you are present, you interrupt the old repeated negative messages and replace toxic thoughts and free yourself of ingrained reactions.  Spiritual Meditation helps you enter a state of stillness and it is through stillness and rest that the body is able to heal itself.

Telomeres are little extensions of our chromosomes, protein caps that influence aging.  As spiritual meditation has a restorative effect, it helps increase the longevity of telomeres and therefore the aging process.  As we age, we are more susceptible to illness and fragility and with restorative meditation at a cellular level prevents this susceptibility.                                  

Can I use Meditation for Spiritual Awakening

Meditation is one of the best tools to use during a spiritual awakening because it allows the body to truly absorb the tremendous influx of quantum energy dispersed during such awakening.  Meditation can and where possible should be used for spiritual awakening because it allows you to be more receptive to your spiritual awakening, helps process the energies during and helps consolidate the awakening into your true being.  Meditation works as a conduit to help you manifest, be receptive to the signs, absorb the energy at a cellular level and then transform your being, thoughts and behavior.  It works in effect like a consciousness upgrade.  Meditation is the vehicle that takes you on your journey to spiritual awakening.

While spiritual awakening can take many forms, may present as a gradual coming to being or may hit like a tonne of bricks, to embrace it with purity and loss of ego requires a meditative and mindful state.  It is often Meditation that opens your eye and shifts your perceptions, enhances your intuitive presence and allows freedom.  If your mind is not still, you cannot be awake. It’s important not to think of meditation as a tool to reach an end point but rather a connective process, also remember that once you have assigned words, you assign limitation. (Namaste)

Will Meditation Help Me Grow Spiritually

As meditation is the vehicle that carries on your journey of spiritual enlightenment, it necessarily precipitates spiritual growth.  Meditation will help you strip away all of your ego defenses and allow you the space to determine you true values, where your nourishment comes from and relieve you from your connection to material things.  When you are in your true present, when your perception has opened up to all possibility and when you can experience your self as you truly are, then you have grown spiritually.  The closer you are to your source, the greater spirituality you will have achieved, and just like a river, the more time spent celebrating your connection to the richness of stillness, the more healing occurs in your body and greater receptivity to spiritual signs and living will resonate.  Remember that Meditation is a process, not an outcome and this process is where the value lies.

What do People Experience During Spiritual Meditation?

During spiritual meditation, while focusing on their breath begin to feel the air as they inhale and exhale.  As they become more in the present they become aware of their body, the point where it touches the ground or furniture, the sensation of hair on their forehead, their clothing touching their skin.  While focusing they may feel tension points in their body, dull pain in parts of their body that they have held onto.  During Spiritual Meditation people then begin to feel a gradual release of tension, numbing of any pain and a slow but deep relaxation and sense of calm.

At first thoughts may enter the mind, initially racing bringing with it the emotional responses of worry or frustration and these too gradually dissipate until the thoughts flow in an out without any emotional attachment until they eventually still.  A sensation and experience of oneness with the universe can occur with a profound sense of connection to the divine or God where nothing past or future exists, just a purity of presence.  When the ego is stripped away, so too are feelings of shame, regret, self-consciousness or fear.  Feelings of warmth and calm prevail and an almost indescribable unblocking of energy.

With or without words, a person may experience a deep but clear insight into themselves in the world.  Some describe experiencing a spiritual awakening or enlightenment which is subjective to each individual and usually marks a significant shift in perception and understanding.

What is a Spiritual Cleansing Meditation?

Spiritual cleansing Meditation is opening yourself to absorb good cleaning energy and clarity through breath or mantra and to release residual pain, toxins, thoughts.  Just as meditation can rejuvenate your body at a cellular level, so too can it cleans your being at a spiritual level.  Spiritual Cleansing creates clarity and pureness of thought, offers a sense of freshness and exhilaration.  In our daily lives we connect with many different energies and sometimes these energies stick and weigh you town.  You can absorb negative energies while in the presence of someone fighting, or somebody may be jealous of you or angry at you.  When your own spirit becomes bogged down by these energies, you experience fatigue and sadness.  A spiritual cleansing meditation is focused on cleansing yourself of the energies that have stuck to you, it is releasing them and in the even of a psychic attack, repelling them and building up spiritual protection and resilience.

A spiritual Cleansing Meditation can be performed by traditional breathing methods or with the utilization or crystals, oils, flowers or scripts.  Candles and specific cleansing prayers can also be performed.  Once again, whatever helps you to release negative energy and open yourself up to renewal at the spiritual level is your choice and subjective.  If you are a beginner, experiment with different ways until you find your vibration.

Spiritual Meditation Techniques for Beginners?

Find a comfortable position free from distractions.  You can sit in a chair, you don’t have to hold the crossed legged yogi position.  Begin breathing and notice your breath, don’t try to control it, just allow your mind to focus on the sensation of your breath.  If thoughts come to your mind, allow them to flow through.  If you are just a beginner, don’t try and force a long meditation, start at around 15 minutes and gradually work up to it.  If you like you repeat a mantra that feels peaceful or pertinent to you.  Practice mindfulness where you become acutely aware of yourself in the present moment, your heart beat, the sound of the wind, sensations inside and outside of your body and simply observe.

Some people find it easier to do a guided spiritual meditation where you are walked through the process using imagery.  Others prefer sonic meditations that work on soundwaves to guide you to a state of stillness.  In the beginning we are sometimes too close to our minds to notice any change, but be patient, the transformation can be gradual.  Eliminate any expectations and keep in mind the physical and psychological benefits of the stillness you attain.  Eventually you feel a strong sense of synchronicity to self and space and god.

Related Questions

What are the Emotional Benefits Of Meditation?

The emotional benefits of Meditation include decreased stress and depression and eventual rewiring of hour the brain interoperates stimuli.  Connecting to spirit awakens you to the reality that you are all part of one whole and that isolation is an illusion. Your intuition is enhanced and emotionally you are receptive, happy and more compassionate.

Is Meditation A Religious Practice?

Meditation can be a Religious Practice and many people utilize the process to find connection to their god.  Meditation is also a non-religious process of stilling the mind, through mantra, sound or just breath.  Religion is one vessel that opens the mind to spirituality.

Is Meditation Necessary For Enlightenment?

Meditation is extremely beneficial to enlightenment as it is the vessel that allows you to open yourself up to this awareness. Like learning an instrument, the more you practice the more possibilities become open to you. Other methods such as being alone in nature, dancing, and painting for example, can also bring a sense of enlightenment.