Law of Attraction Meditation

Do you want to attract more positivity into your life? Do you want to release self-limiting beliefs that stop you from achieving your true potential? Through this article, we will discuss how you can achieve these goals and bring positive change to your life through the Law of Attraction Meditation.

What is Law of Attraction Meditation? In its simplest terms, ‘Law of Attraction Meditation’ is the idea that we can harness the power of the mind through meditation to attract into our lives whatever we concentrate our attention on the most.

Ever heard of karma? Or the old saying that you only get back what you put out? Well, the Law of Attraction is basically rooted in this age-old philosophy. But is there anything true to be said about the Law, or is it all just a load of hogwash?

What is Law of Attraction Meditation and How Does it Work?

Imagine that your brain is a powerful magnet. All day long, it generates thoughts and churns out brainwaves that convert into something like a strong magnetic force, invisibly pulling towards you all sorts of experiences and emotional feedback commensurate to the vibrational energy that you put out.

This is the underlying premise of the Law of Attraction. It is the idea that you have the ability to attract into your life whatever you focus your attention on the most. Basically, it means that the thoughts and perceptions into which you channel most of your energy will ultimately manifest in reality, attracting to you things that are vibrating on the same frequency, thereby determining the state of your existence and material wealth. To summarize: whatever you focus on, you eventually materialize into existence.

The Law is based on a cause and effect relationship, where every action you make has a consequence that will be reflected back at you in kind. Unfortunately, the Law applies to both positive and negative output. If you walk around every second of the day in a foul mood, possessed by a stream of negative thoughts, putting out negative vibes, you can rest assured that you will only get negative vibes in return. Conversely, if you send out happy thoughts and emotions, you will get back more of the good stuff that you put out. What you have going on internally will ultimately dictate what you attract externally.

This is where Law of Attraction Meditation comes in. By making a conscious effort to cultivate positive thoughts, actions, speech and outlook, you can situate yourself on a positive energy frequency and generate a positive mental output that will bring back to you the good you desire, rather than the bad which you’d rather repel.

Meditation is the key to unlocking the door to the Law of Attraction. To materialize a wholesome life that is abundant in positive and vibrant experiences, you must first change the underlying belief systems and thoughts that are operating at the subconscious level of your mind.

Through meditation, you can release your attachment to delusion, clinging, worry, anxiety and dissatisfaction, which have been clouding your judgement and thought processes. Once you have unweighted yourself from these negative ways of thinking, you will be like a helium balloon, lifting your vibration to a higher frequency and attracting into your life your true wants and desires.

What are the Benefits Law of Attraction Meditation?

If you want to capitalize on the Law of Attraction, you will be creating for yourself many positive experiences and life changes, although it may take time.

If you work on letting go of negative thinking patterns and holding in your mind’s eye an image of the future you envision for yourself, not only will you feel more relaxed and at peace with your current life circumstances, you’ll also feel joy that you’re moving towards achieving your true life’s purpose and dreams.

Furthermore, your mind will start to quieten down and you will begin to gain a more holistic understanding of your quieter inner self, rather than the identity your loud ego has constructed for you. As you learn to discipline your mind into quietness, you will also find that you have improved your faculties to stay focused and grounded in times of turmoil or stress. You will cultivate a greater sense of resilience and razor-sharp thinking that will help you discern between illusion and reality.

Last of all, you will begin to realize that you are the creator of your own reality. Through meditating, you will start to understand that the lens through which you view the world is ultimately what colors your feelings and experiences of it.

How to start Law of Attraction Meditation

You should begin the Law of Attraction Meditation in the same way that you’d start any other meditation. That means that you should situate yourself in a peaceful, calm environment and quieten your mind. It is not time to think or problematize, but rather just to sit and focus on one constant, repetitive thing, such as your breath or the sound of traffic passing by your house.

Through the deliberate cessation of thought, you will begin to starve that part of your mind that is responsible for resistant thinking. This is the dissenting part of you that is always challenging your current life circumstances, creating a sense of lack within you and a host of feelings such as deficiency or dissatisfaction.

When you stop resistant thinking, your vibration elevates to a higher frequency. You will feel a sense of lightness, calmness or serenity, and happier. In this way, you will be liberating yourself of negative thinking and opening yourself up to receive the gifts of positivity, or attracting into your life your true desires. You will allow yourself to be in a way that promotes the manifestation of good things in your life, and nourishes that part of you that wants positive experiences and qualities.

Difference Between Law of Attraction and Meditation

The Law of Attraction is a school of thought suggesting that whatever lens through which you view the world (positive or negative) is how you will internalize and interpret all emotional and sensory experiences. Should you focus on a positive point of view, you will cultivate and propagate for yourself further positive life experiences and events. Like attracts and perpetuates like.

Meditation, on the other hand, is the act of disciplining your thoughts into quietness by focusing your attention on a constant, repetitive stimulus such as the in-and-out of your breath, or the rain outside your window. Every time your mind wanders, you should return your attention to the stimulus and continue the practice.

Although they are different, one cannot operate without the other. For the Law of Attraction to work effectively, you should adopt a regular meditation practice, as the cessation of thought is necessary for an upwelling of positivity.

Can Meditation Help with Anxiety?

Most definitely. Through meditation, we can begin to discern the triggers that kickstart our anxiety and learn to better let go of them once they arise. Meditation will also allow you to better process and regulate uncomfortable feelings should you find yourself in the midst of an anxious episode.

Can You Quit Smoking through Meditation?

Meditation can most definitely help you give up cigarettes. Meditation induces calmness, which will reduce feelings of stress or anxiety. It will also help you become aware of when you’re experiencing an urge to smoke, and increase your self-control, which in turn will help you give up the habit.

Can Meditation Replace Sleep

No, it cannot. Humans require at least 7 or 8 hours of sleep on a daily basis to fully recharge their batteries and to function at their best. Meditation cannot act as a substitute for this essential human need. However, meditation can promote you with deeper sleep and help you get to sleep sooner.