Feeling Energy During Meditation

5 Powerful Types You Can Feel and Their Meaning

If you experience energy during your meditation, it can be a new and exciting experience or sometimes leave you feeling unsettled and unsure of what’s going on. In this article, you will discover the reasons behind the energy you feel so that they can guide your meditation.

Feeling energy during meditation can be a normal experience for many people and has several meanings. These meanings can be the flow of energy through your body,trauma release from past emotional wounds, or the clearing and awakening of blocked chakras.

The energy felt while meditation can sometimes take you by surprise, so it’s important to get clear on the different types of energy and where they are located in your body. This way, you’re ready when you feel them during your meditation.

Let’s dive deeper so you can understand the energy you feel while you meditate.

What’s the Meaning of Feeling Energy During Meditation

When you begnin to meditate you will sometimes encounter new sensations and experiences during your meditation practice. One of these sensations that may occur is the flow or movement of energy through your body. During meditation, your senses are heightened, and you can identify subtle physical and mental changes. A subtle energy system lies within us and works to nurture and protect the mind, body, and soul. When feeling energy during your meditation, it may come with sensations such as tingling or flowing. It is normal to feel unsure or curious about these sensations. It is also essential to understand the meaning behind these sensations and integrate them into a better understanding of yourselves.

Physical sensations such as twitching, tingling, or ticklish sensations may indicate the movement of energy through your body or the release of stress from your body. Sensations can also be a by-product of the emotional transformation happening during meditation practice. These transformations could be the clearing of blockages or awakening of chakras.

5 Types of Energy You May Feel During Meditation

  1. Pulsating Energy During Meditation

Often when meditating, you move towards emptying your ego and allowing yourselves to be filled by the love of the one. This experience is empowering and often results in expanding the observational beauty capacity. 

This expansion may result in the physiological response of sensations of large waves/pulses of energy through your body. Often feeling pulsating energy during your meditation may feel your physical pulse more clearly due to the heightened state of your senses. During meditation, it is often reported that you may begin to feel your pulse intensify, which is very normal, and you may sometimes be confused about the feeling of energy moving through your body. In saying this, it is still very much possible to feel energy pulse during your meditation, especially around chakra locations. 

  1. Feeling Strong Energy During Meditation 

Feeling strong sensations of energy flowing through your body during meditation is often not as intense as you may think. Instead, you feel the strong intensity of that energy due to your heightened state of consciousness and senses. People can feel overwhelmed or scared by their sensations within this state, especially beginners. Feeling strong energy move through your body can indicate the releasing of negative emotions, clearing blockages, and awakening chakras. 

  1. Surge of Energy During Meditation 

Feeling a surge of energy during your meditation practice may indicate the arising of a form of divine feminine energy called Kundalini. The energy is believed to rest at the base of the spine in a form similar to a serpent, ready to spring at any moment. When this dormant energy flows freely up through the spine, passing each of the seven chakras in a powerful movement. This movement leads to an expanded state of consciousness known as a Kundalini awakening. In physiological terms, a Kundalini awakening comes with physical sensations such as a rush/surge of energy up your spine and throughout your body, warmth throughout your body, tingling, or a rush of emotion. The Kundalini awakening is a special experience triggered by chakra awakening and clearing blockages in the subtle body. 

  1. Waves of Energy During Meditation 

Feeling waves of energy during your meditation is something is energy being moved or released. The sensation of the energy coming in can often indicate the release of new emotions during your meditation. These emotions you have been pushing back or attempting to hold at bay as you feel too venerable to let them escape. You may feel These emotions like waves in the ocean that keep crashing to the shore until the emotion has cleared.

  1. Feeling Electricity During Meditation 

Feeling electricity during your meditation is often synonymous with feeling high vibration energy. Often people describe the sensations as a rush of warmth through your body and tingling feelings. These sensations can result from both a heightened sense of awareness and porous breathing. Porous breathing involves slow, smooth, continuous breaths inhaled to raise your vibration rate and open up your channels of energy intake. This burst of enlightenment can result in a rush of energy which may feel like electricity running warmth throughout your body. The feeling of electricity during meditation combines energy movement, changes in the physiological state due to deep breathing, and heightened senses. 

7  Places You May Feel Energy During Meditation

Feeling energy during meditation is a common experience indicative of deep, successful practice. Often people can feel waves of energy in different areas of the body. This is how different chakras can become activated, and energy can be released. Chakras have specific locations around the body and can be experienced and felt differently by every meditator.

  1. Feeling Energy In Your Body During Meditation 

Feeling energy throughout your body during meditation is a way for your body to connect to your higher self. Overall, our body often attempts to communicate messages to our higher selves regarding specific blockages around our chakras and spiritual connections. The sensations that you feel during meditation may be the movement and release of energy necessary to grow and move past blockages. Allow yourself to feel deeply and holistically during your meditation. Do not focus intently on sensations; just allow them to flow through you naturally.

  1. Feeling Energy In Hands During Meditation 

Feelings in your body during meditation can sometimes be messages. Often your hands can be used as a method of identifying chakra blockages. When feeling sensations in your hands, you may benefit from consulting a chart indicating the sensation areas of the hand. You can then link deeper meanings into your current life situation and understand which emotions may be causing blockages. There are seven chakras located in each of your hands – the main one is the palm chakra which is about receiving the gift of touch to express our love. As we express our heart energy through our shoulders, down our arms into our hands, we can manifest and use our hands to create what our heart wants in the physical world. Our body may utilize these sensations as a form of communication to us that there is an important blockage within our energy.

  1. Feeling Energy in My Feet During Meditation 

Feeling tingling sensations in your feet during meditation practice may indicate that imbalances in your body are in the process of being corrected, and result, your body, is allowing you to feel and express your inner emotions more intensely. The earth chakra is located in your feet; this chakra sits 9-12 inches below the bottom of your foot and allows us to feel stable and grounded. It is directly connected to the earth’s core, the ancestral mother of life, and the divine feminine. The earth’s chakra is incredibly important in our lives and is especially beneficial for regularly suffering from anxious thoughts.

  1. Feeling Energy in My Chest During Meditation 

During meditation, often, people report feeling the energy flow through your bodies. The chest is a particularly common area to feel extra warmth or movement during your practice. Several explanations for these sensations include chakra release and misinterpretation of physiological changes as energy. The heart chakra (Anahata) is located in the center of your chest and acts as a connection between the upper and lower chakras in your body. The heart chakra acts as an individual’s source of compassion, empathy, love, and forgiveness. When you experience loss in your life, the heart chakra can become blocked and communicate this blockage to us via tingling, energetic sensations around your chest during meditation.

  1. Feeling Energy in My Head During Meditation 

The crown chakra (Sahasrara) acts as your center of spirit and is the most spiritual when compared to all seven chakras. It is associated with a person’s enlightenment, spirituality, wisdom, and connection to a higher self. If this chakra is blocked, your body may tell your mind by allowing us to feel certain sensations. Sometimes energy can be confused with tingling sensations caused by a deprivation of CO2. This can occur during the exaggerated method of breathing (long, deep breaths) that is sometimes used by advanced meditators.

  1. Feeling Energy in My Stomach During Meditation

Feeling energy in your stomach during meditation is sometimes where there are blockages of energy that pulsates as it tries to move and release itself. You may feel your stomach energy when your solar plexus chakra is blocked. When the solar plexus is in balance, you feel a surge of positive energy, igniting confidence, self-motivated, and a strong sense of purpose. When out of balance, the solar plexus may become blocked. You may feel a lowering of your self esteem have trouble making decisions when you are experiencing restricted energy, leading to a lack of self-confidence insecurity. Your body’s method of communicating this blockage is through the sensations you may feel in your stomach during your journey to your higher selves via meditation.

  1. Feeling Energy in My Legs During Meditation 

Feeling Sensations of energy running up and down your legs during meditation may have a spiritual connection to your root chakra. This chakra is located at the base of the spine and includes your legs and feet. It’s focused on your basic human needs and survival. If you feel sensations in this area during your meditation, your mind and body may feel deprived of a necessity. Ensure that you listen to your body’s messages to your higher self. Consider your meaning and acknowledge your presence without becoming fixated on the sensation.