27 Famous People Who Meditate


1. Ellen DeGeneres

Ellen DeGeneres has been practicing Transcendental Meditation for approximately 3 years, stating that she practices meditation because it feels good. When things go crazy, she simply closes her computer and meditates. Thus, when she will turn the computer on, everything will be fine again. For Ellen, this is the power of meditation.

2. Russell Brand

Russell is an enthusiastic ambassador for meditation. He says that practicing meditation helps him to become a better person. Russell enjoys using Transcendental Meditation for his sessions and is determined to do his best and teach others about it. He believes that it is a gift everyone should enjoy, due to the benefits it can bring to one’s life.

3. Tony Robbins

Tony Robbins uses meditation in the morning, as it helps him boost his energy and set high productivity levels for the day. In spite of the fact that he is an energetic person, his age is not helping him that much. Thus, besides a proper diet, he also introduced meditation in his morning routine, so that he can make the most of each day.

4. Oprah Winfrey

According to Oprah, her meditation endeavor started back in 2011. Back then, she invited a couple of meditation instructors to her studio, to help her staff meditate every morning. After getting the hang of the technique, Oprah started meditating on her own and she’s been doing it ever since. For her, meditation represents a calming yet energizing experience, as she also believes that it is more important to reconnect with our core than what we do at work.

5. Jerry Seinfeld

“Seinfeld” ended up being a hit and, due to the fact that people loved it, the TV series had no less than 8 seasons. Jerry Seinfeld, a well-known comedian, was also the main writer, editor, director, casting director, and actor in the series. If you’re wondering how did he manage to pull this off for so long, Jerry will answer that it was meditation which helped him through this period. He used to meditate on a daily basis to deal with the pressure and stress of his jobs.


6. Misty May Treanor and Kerri Walsh

Are you under a lot of pressure and stress? Then start including meditation in your daily routine and you will find calmness and balances faster. This is what these two sand volleyball stars did and it did wonders for them. They managed to win Olympic gold medals and be the best on the volleyball court for two years in a row. It is so much easier to be the best when stress is not part of your life.

7. Kobe Bryant

It is not unusual for Kobe to receive the “best play” title after many games. Apparently, meditation can be considered an important factor in the performance of this athlete. Kobe said that he meditates on a daily basis, in order to clear his mind and be more capable of focusing on the things that really matter. So, no wonder he manages to focus so well on his performance during games.

8. Manny Pacquiao

It may be hard to believe that a boxer meditates, but Manny Pacquiao did. Boxing, like any other sport, requires self-control and discipline. Things can go rather crazy in the boxing ring, so it is very important to be able to withhold any negative energies that are generated by a tensed situation. Manny managed to keep this under control and relax with the help of meditation.

9. The Seattle Seahawks Team

After this team managed to win the Superbowl, everyone wondered how they managed to do it. Their coach broke the silence about the method that helped the team perform so well, and you will be surprised to find out that it was meditation. Starting with 2011, the coach of this team encouraged played to meditate and taught them mindfulness exercises. And it seems that his method paid off eventually.

10. LeBron James

LeBron James is one of that sportsperson that managed to create a legend around him. His performance is always outstanding and there is no one like him on the basketball course. It is also worth mentioning that LeBron uses meditation for an improved focus. In fact, it is known the fact that he uses the timeout of an NBA game to meditate, in order to calm down and reach his best potential.

11. Derek Jeter

During an interview, this famous baseball player admitted to practicing meditation in the morning, especially during recovery days. The process helps him get over difficult days easier and calms him down, allowing the body to heal faster, so he can be back to training and playing in no time. While sports require a great physical shape, the mind is also an important factor, and meditation helps at this part.

CEOs / Entrepreneurs

12. Steve Jobs – Apple

The regretted genius from Apple didn’t just used to meditate a lot but also encouraged everyone to do so as well. Jobs was a huge advocate of meditation and did his best to teach others about the benefits of this practice. In fact, at Apple, employees are encouraged to take the time required to meditate during work hours, a practice that is continued to our days, even if Steve is no longer with us.

13. Arianna Huffington – CEO Huffington Post

Arianna Huffington starts her day with a meditation session that lasts between 20 and 30 minutes. But, as she says, her day starts in the night before. Ariana believes that a good night’s sleep is extremely important, so she makes sure to sleep 7 to 8 hours a night. In the morning, she wakes up by performing breathing exercises and meditating. After her meditation, she works out on her stationary bike or performs yoga.

14. Jeff Weiner- CEO of LinkedIn

A good number of entrepreneurs used the power of meditation, considering that their schedules can get rather hectic, and Jeff Weiner is one of them. If you don’t believe us, just check out his schedule available on LinkedIn. You will see the blocks mentioning meditation, which means that he dedicates time on a daily basis to do this, and only this.

15. Rick Goings- CEO of Tupperware

The CEO position can generate a lot of stress, besides the satisfaction, it brings along. So, Rick Goings prefers meditating every day, especially in the afternoon. He says that this helps him find relief from all the stress that gathers through the day. Meditation also helps him find clarity in his life overall.

16. Andrew Chert – CEO of Panda Express

Chert doesn’t keep the benefits of meditation just for himself. He also encourages his staff to do the same, so that everyone finds a way to perform in the best way possible while reducing stress. There’s a story about a store manager that almost lost his calm during a meeting. Chert stopped the meeting and allowed the manager to step out and meditate, before returning to the meeting in a calmer state of mind.

Movies Stars

17. Angelina Jolie

In spite of the fact that Angelina Jolie has a rather tight schedule, she finds time to meditate as well. A mother, philanthropist, director, and actress, it is easy to see that time can be short for Angelina. Yet, she says that she does her best to optimize her time and find room for meditation. She said that she meditates when spending time with her children, like when they are coloring on the floor. Meditation works in any circumstances, so it’s not about following a particular pattern. It’s about finding the method that works best for you.

18. Lena Dunham

Besides being an actress, Lena Dunham is also a writer and director. She uses meditation as a method to deal better with the challenges that come her way. But, at the same time, she says that meditation helps her deal with the world in a more organized and positive manner. The truth is that it can really be crazy out there in the world, as there are many people surrounded by negativity. Meditation helps in allowing you to maintain a positive attitude and mindset.

19. Hugh Jackman

Actor Hugh Jackman uses meditation as a way to escape the daily routine and everything connected to his life as a movie star. He once stated that during meditation, he is not a celebrity, or a father, or a husband. Nothing matters during those minutes and he can simply let go of everything. He simply enjoys the quiet and the energy generated during the process.

20. Kristen Bell

Even when you have a busy schedule, meditating for a few minutes can mean a lot. Kristen uses the power of meditative yoga for 10 minutes every morning. For her, this is the best way to deal with stressful events, whether it is something that goes wrong during the day or a person with negative energy. She says that meditation allows everything to naturally fall in its place.

21. Heather Graham

A practitioner of Transcendental Meditation, Heather stated that this type of meditation helps her calm down. There are moments in our lives when things can go a bit crazy. This is when Heather gets help from meditation. It allows her to stay centered while finding peace and tranquility. And the best part is that you can find all these inside yourself, without the need to go anywhere.

22. Keanu Reeves

When shooting for a movie, Keanu Reeves traveled to Nepal, a place where he learned very many things about spirituality and the laws of happiness, and how to meditate. He uses this method to find balance and, as he used to say, to conquer fears. There are moments in our lives that can scare us a lot or get us questioning. Meditation helps in finding a calm state of mind no matter what happens so that you won’t end up being paralyzed by fear.


23. Kate Perry

She enjoys starting the day with the help of Transcendental Meditations. Kate says that it is the best method for her to tune in the best mood for the day. She meditates as soon as she wakes up, while still sitting in bed. According to Kate, during those 20 minutes of meditation, her brain rests for real.

24. Sir Paul McCartney

It is well known that Sir Paul McCartney practices meditation on a regular basis. But, in the 60s, he did more for this than to simply meditate. He decided to visit India and learn more about Transcendental Meditation in its cradle. It is believed that this experienced helped him create the “White Album”, one of the most known creations of The Beatles.

25. Madonna

Ever wondered how Madonna manages to maintain such incredible shape and state of mind, in spite of all the fame she got. Most certainly it is due to the fact that it practices Transcendental Meditation. She uses meditation to achieve spiritual peace and find balance, as she activates in a business domain that can sweep you off your feet.

26. J. Cole

Even rappers meditate, and J. Cole is one good example. Although he talks about it as if he meditates on a daily basis, the truth is that J. Cole uses meditation to manage anxiety and stressful situations. When things become difficult for him, meditation allows him to become disciplined and go on with his day in a much better manner.

27. Kendrick Lamar

Kendrick Lamar is another rapper that admitted the fact that meditations help him a lot. If his schedule doesn’t allow him to do this on a daily basis, he tries meditating every other day. He just takes the time to be on his own for 30 minutes, with his eyes closed, and simply absorbing everything that is going on. This gives them the chance to live in the moment, rather than allowing him to get carried away by the fast-paced music industry.