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I’m Tristan, my mission is to help you find a quick and effortless way to start a meditation practice in your life today. And Keep It!

There are huge benefits to using meditation that science is now confirming. These benefits can have a dramatic effect on your life.


  • Blood Pressure
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Stress
  • Physical Pain
  • Inflammation


  • The Immune System
  • Emotional Balance
  • Working Memory
  • Kindness Compassion
  • Your Productivity
  • Concentration and Focus
  • Decision Making

It’s important you don’t get caught up in the false perceptions of meditation. That it’s too hard to practice or meditation is only for a particular type of person.

The benefits of meditation are for everyone!

Over the last five years I went through some pretty dark times.  Meditation was the one thing that lifted me out of the darkness so I had so breathing room to be happy again. Sounds kind of corny or clichéd!

But meditation truly changed my life and I want to share that with you.

Meditation had such positive effects I became a certified meditation teacher at the renowned Lifeflow Meditation Center through the teachings of Dr Graham Williams. Within my training and profound personal experiences, I have learnt the specific guidance to help you create a successful daily practice in your life.

It is important that you have support and a basic understanding of meditation so you can handle any problems that arise quickly, this will help you keep  your daily practice flowing.

I had been meditating since I was a teen, but never took meditation seriously and it was something that I used more in an acute crisis rather than a daily practice.

I didn’t really go all in on meditation until I  researched all the scientific benefits that come from regular meditation.

I now meditate everyday and can tell you from personal experience it had a profound effect on my life. Meditation rejuvenated me back to my true self that had been missing for years. It helps continually shape my world for the better every day.

The world we live in today is accelerating daily and demanding more of our attention. It’s important that we have a place that we can rest and recharge.

Why Learn Meditation? It’s Just Sitting Still With Your Eyes Close?

Looking at meditation from the outside it can seem that all the meditator is doing is sitting  with eyes close and breathing softly, but when I receive my training, it’s really is amazing how many little steps and important tips beginners need to understand to keep their meditation flowing.

There are many frustrations and beliefs around people failing to benefit from a daily meditation practice, many of these can lead to meditation being put in the too hard basket.

Some of the common ones:

  • Sitting is too uncomfortable
  • My mind is too busy
  • I don’t have time to meditate
  • Meditation is not doing anything
  • I keep falling asleep
  • isn’t it only for hippies and religious people

This is a real shame because meditation has so many benefits that you can add to your daily life. That is why it’s so important you find meditation skills so you don’t throw in the towel.

I hope you discover all the benefits meditation has to offer and learn how to easily implement meditation into your day. This is the best way you can feel the increase energy, clarity of your mind, calming of your emotions and the relaxation of your body. These come into your life when you practice meditation daily.